Since March of this year, we have gathered Individuals from various creative fields (visual art, creative writing, editorial design) to publish a magazine that illuminates their thoughts and experiences on Korean-Canadian Identity. We are reaching the end of our project which means we will be hosting a Creativity Night to launch the magazine with a wide selection of wines to try plus raffle prizes to be won throughout the night!
몇달동안 저희 Coreaotrs에서는 다양한 창조인들을 (예술, 창작 문학, 에디토리얼 디자인) 모아 Korean-Canadian의 정체성에 자신의 생각 과 경험을 조명하는 프로젝트를 진행했습니다. 그 결과물인 잡지를 다음 Creativity Night에서 공식적으로 공개할 계획입니다. 잡지의 출판과 함께 네트워킹을 할 수 있는 와인파티를 준비했으니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
7-8pm: Entrance & mix and mingle
8-8:30pm: A short presentation from our members
8:30-11pm: Networking/wine tasting party
Wine Selection ($4 for one glass of red, white wine or ice wines):
Red wine: Merlot, Pinot Noir
White wine: Orvieto
Red ice wine: Cabernet Franc
White ice wine: Vidal
Ticket Prices:
EARLY BIRD (May 4th-May 14th)
REGULAR (May 15th-21st)
$20 includes:
– 1 drink ticket & finger food
AT THE DOOR (May 22nd)
$25 includes:
– 1 drink ticket & finger food
Dress Code:
Dress to impress!
Please visit our website (http://www.coreators.com) to buy your admission tickets. There are 3 options available:
– Online: PayPal and credit (after you click “Pay with PayPal, click the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” to pay with credit)
– Cash: Please contact any of our Coreators staff members directly or pay a visit to 24 Ryerson Avenue weekdays between 11AM to 6PM (call 647-909-3431 to buzz in)
If you have any inquiries do not hesitate to contact us! Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you there!
티켓은 저희 website에서 구입 가능합니다. 문의 사항이 있으시면 주저마시고 바로 연락주세요. 진심으로 감사 드립니다!